Gege L"My first impression of the bra was it looked very sleek and the material looked like it was good quality. The boning gives a good amount of structure, but it's not too stiff to where you can't move in it."
Faith H"Using the measurement chart, it was really easy to find the correct bra size for me."
Sophia R"The first bra I tried according to the size chart fit fine. I was really surprised because I usually have a hard time finding bras that fit. For me to find my size the first time, it was really impressive."
Anna P"I knew the bra wasn't going anywhere. It doesn't shift at all or turn like some other bras do especially with it being strapless. It really stays in place."
Audrey B"Performing in the bra was good! The shape was good, the structure was great, and it didn't show. The bra came with removable straps which I really liked."